We specialize in Dynamic Case Management solutions.
Dynamic case management is the orchestration of complex core business tasks so knowledge workers can make optimal decisions more effectively and efficiently:
Tasks where workflows are unstructured and less predictable
Tasks where data needs to be collected from various sources
Tasks where people need to interact, collaborate and share data
ProcessPro dynamic case management solutions allows
knowledge workers to manage their work…
A better understanding of a case leads to a faster resolution with less issues
Ensures work is performed in compliance with rules and regulations, sustainable and safe
Leads to greater employee productivity and higher customer satisfaction
We help knowledge workers make the right decision during a complex process and empower them to reach higher levels of performance.

Typical Customers & Tasks.
But not limited.
No matter the industry you are in, or the size of your company, you are faced with responsibilities which require specific tasks and processes.
Tasks and processes
we support typically fall into, but are not limited to, these categories

Typical customers that rely on ProcessPro to orchestrate work intelligently
responsible for planning and managing the physical environment
responsible for safety, quality and maintenance of infrastructure, sites and assets
that grant permits, supervise, and handle enforcement tasks
Some Examples.
To give you an idea.

Orchestration of airport maintenance
Schiphol Airport
Licensing, supervision and
Dutch Municipality
Managing damaged real
estate claims
Dutch Municipality
Annual inspection of
Water Authorities
Dynamic Case Management
ProcessPro by CenterOne supports the tasks of knowledgeworkers.
Hun werk volgt een gedefinieerd proces, maar taken en activiteiten tijdens dat proces kunnen onvoorspelbaar zijn en afhankelijk van specifieke en veranderende omstandigheden.
Structures the process
automates where possible and connects required data sources to facilitate well founded decision making
Guides the knowledge worker
through the process to ensure the right steps are taken, and nothing is overlooked
Provides clear insight
of all cases, the status, the people involved, the documents, actual results versus KPI’s
Getting complex work done by combining
Intelligence. Data. Automation.
Companies need to get work done faster, and scale their operations for new market demands,
no matter what challenges they may face. Getting the work done can be complicated when the process is complex. There's a lot to take into account.
Am I handling the case correctly? Am I making the right decision? Have I forgotten anything?
Register and qualify the case
Collect and capture all relevant facts and information to assess and qualify the case at hand
Collect all relevant information
You need access to different data sources and the ability to compare and cross reference information
Collaborate & share information
Consult with others and share information to determine and agree on the required next actions
Consult historical data for valuable insight
Understand what was done or agreed in the past in order to better assess the current situation
Stay in Control & Organized, Meet Deadlines
Clear visibility on the status of all cases, ensure nothing is overlooked, and create activity logs and audit trails
Comply with Rules, Regulations and Guidelines
Ensure activities are executed compliant, safe and sustainable
Key features of the
ProcessPro solutions we build
ProcessPro dynamic case management is a software-based approach for handling the more complex daily business tasks, from initiation to resolution, all from one platform.
To perform tasks efficiently, knowledge
need to collect data from various sources and parse and summarize that data before they can decide which next action to take.
ProcessPro is composed of multiple standard building blocks. Depending on the required process steps and functionalities, a solution is configured that delivers you your desired business outcome.
Receive and assign tasks centrally to maintain control
Digitize paper-based
Geographic Information System
for more insight and control
Streamline processes through
automated workflows
Connect to DMS to improve
business productivity
360-degrees view of all cases and their status
Easier and transparent
communication and collaboration
Integrate with MS Office and other applications
Transparency, traceability and
regulatory compliance
It only works if it’s connected
System Integration
& Collaboration

API-led Solutions is our Area of Expertise
ProcessPro is designed to help you create new capabilities and unlock new opportunities by accessing, improving, and bringing data to the right people, processes and devices.
To enable the free flow of information, connecting and integrating systems is key. Through API led solutions ProcessPro connects seamlessly with applications, devices and data sources.
Connecting sources
Legacy Systems
Your legacy systems contain valuable information. ProcessPro leverages the investment and intellectual capital in your existing environment by integrating applications to retrieve the required data in real time for the case at hand. ProcessPro eliminates data silo’s and increases efficiency throughout the organization
External data sources
We retrieve relevant information from external sources through application integration or data integration
GIS data
We support many sources i.e., Web Feature Service (WFS), Web Map Service (WMS), Web Map Tiling Service (WMTS), Esri ArcGIS REST API, Shapefiles, geodatabases
Web portals
Cases can start from requests or notifications coming through specifically designed web portals
Mobile devices
Incidents and observations reported by workers out in the field using a handheld mobile device
ConnectOne is the engine within ProcessPro that enables and manages system integration, data exchange, and collaboration through API led solutions.
The ProcessPro module ConnectOne is also available as a standalone module and is specifically designed to ensure the connection with the DSO for government organizations and to facilitate collaboration between chain partners.
Defining the Process.
Is an ongoing process.
Our approach
In Dynamic Case Management every case is different, and companies handle their cases and tasks in their own specific way. In some sectors pre-defined processes describe how cases must be handled. This leads to unity and efficiency.
The public sector is a good example where regulated case catalogues define the process to be followed, depending on the type of case at hand. This provides a blueprint on which the ProcessPro solution is developed.
We help customers automate and optimize case handling regardless of whether the process is clearly predefined or needs to be re-defined and tailored.
In 3 steps, using 3 efficient tools, we help you define, create, and optimize your desired solution.

Step 1: Process Exploration
Visualize, Assess, Improve & Document
The key to an effective and competitive organization lies with its people. Teams should be able to participate in modelling, analyzing and improving their own processes.
Engage Modeling is a great process exploration tool which visualizes and allows your team to collaborate and participate in the development and improvement of the process.
Step 2: Process Building
Blueprint for your ProcessPro solution
With ProcessBuilder the process modeling outcome of step 1 is translated into the desired ProcessPro blueprint.
The ProcessBuilder module sets up the processes, authorizations, workflows, decision trees, document templates, and all other required functionalities.
ProcessBuilder is also used to easily maintain or alter workflows and templates as required over time by the customer.
Step 3: Process Optimalization
Mining & Analysis
How is the process handled in real life? Through process mining, we provide you with objective information on whether your process is truly followed as prescribed.
By making your process transparent using the history data in your IT systems, we can speed up the process discovery phase and optimization process.

Decos HQ
Huygensstraat 30
2201 DK Noordwijk
088 33 26 700
088 332 6707
Aanvullende informatie
Voorwaarden & SLA
Responsible disclosure
Trust Center